The Art of Kung-Fu Wu-Shu: Chinese Martial Arts
The Chinese Martial Arts, once considered as an exotic preserve of mystic Orientals, gained popularity in the mid-70, mainly as a result of a spate of popular Kung-Fu movies. However, the related spin-offs of these movies only skimmed over and sensationalized superficial aspects, glossing over the body, omitting and ignoring the core philosophy of the essence and spirit of this great art. Being aware of the dearth of specific material on the subject, the author having being trained under ‘Lama Sevang Migyuar Nobu’ a Tibetan Monk, has written this book after an exhaustive research on the subject. He is the first Indian to acquire an Advanced Diploma from ‘The Beijing Institute of Physical Education,’ China. The emphasis throughout is on exercise as ‘a means to an end’ to obtain a higher level of consciousness especially on Nanchuan (a form of Wu-Shu) which is new to India. The system of Chinese Weaponry and Mystics of Chi, unfold the secret mysteries to the readers. Hence, this is a pioneering effort about timeless techniques which transcend the individual to a spiritual and a more harmonious way of life. This book was written to present the true facts of the ancient art of Kung Fu which is now slowly transforming to a sports form, also popularly known as Wu-Shu. This book provides introductions into the Kung-Fu philosophies which are informative to both beginners and to the experienced practitioners. It does not, however, provide a secret formula to turn a beginner student into a master overnight. Only years of rigorous and dedicated training under a qualified teacher can produce a master.
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